The best Side of ceesdekker

The best Side of ceesdekker

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Spatial composition facilitates cooperation in a very social Predicament: empirical proof from the bacterial Group

Our team reports bacterial cell division and is aiming to represent a ‘base up biology’ in synthetic cells that can autonomously divide. Our most important fascination lies in cell division, chromatin structure, and spatial Regulate.

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Deposition and atomic drive microscopy of unique phthalocyanine polymers concerning nanofabricated electrodes

2010, created a fresh way (‘wedging transfer’) to govern nanostructures; first report of DNA translocation via graphene nanopores; and recognized hybrid nanopores by directed insertion of α-hemolysin into reliable-point out nanopores

Cornelis (Cees) Dekker (Haren, 7 april 1959) is een Nederlandse natuurkundige en universiteitshoogleraar verbonden aan de Technische Universiteit Delft. Van 2010 tot en achieved 2018 was hij tevens directeur van het Kavli Institute of Nanoscience in Delft. Zijn vakgebied is de moleculaire biofysica; hierbij beweegt hij zich op het grensvlak van de natuurkunde en de biologie waarbij hij gebruikmaakt van de zogeheten nanotechnologie, de technieken om aan enkele atomen en moleculen te kunnen meten.

Lots of similar developments adopted, where our group established various transistor variants for instance solitary-electron transistors at room temperature and intramolecular nanotube junctions that acted as rectifying diodes, and coupled a number of transistors into smaller evidence-of-theory electronic circuits.

Case in point (1) of bending configurations in 3D simulations of DNA rods on nanopores. A percentage of the membrane is shown in gray, the rim in the pore is highlighted in red, plus a 3D rendering from the movement of the DNA rod is shown.

Imagine if, as an alternative to using regular best-down silicon electronics, transistors can be created from the bottom up employing single organic and natural molecules as the switching aspects? This concept, which grew to ceesdekker become The premise of nowadays’s field of molecular electronics, 1st emerged within the seventies.

Bulk-floor coupling identifies the mechanistic relationship amongst Min-protein patterns in vivo and in vitro

In 1993 he was appointed as Affiliate Professor at Delft University of Know-how. In the mid-nineties Dekker and his staff achieved good results with the invention of the electronic Homes of carbon nanotubes, the 1st one-molecule transistor as well as other nanoscience.

Several new phenomena were identified, and he and his research team set up a number one placement Within this industry of investigation. Dekker and his study team found new physics of nanotubes and explored the feasibility of molecular electronics. In 1998, they have been the first to develop a transistor according to one nanotube molecule.

For instance, we think about the nucleopore advanced, a gateway amongst the cell nucleus as well as cytoplasm. This is a really intricate program and thus tricky to review within a mobile, so we use biomimetics. We reconstruct holes then insert personal elements with the nucleopore sophisticated to study transportation via it at The one-molecule degree.’

Dekker heeft fundamentele ontdekkingen gedaan op het gebied van koolstof nanobuisjes. Mede vanwege deze werkzaamheden is hij al jaren de meest geciteerde fysicus in Nederland. Tegenwoordig onderzoekt hij satisfied enkel-molecuultechnieken de biofysica van moleculen in de biologische cel. Dekker is naast zijn wetenschappelijk werk ook bekend vanwege zijn belangstelling voor de relatie tussen geloof en wetenschap en de discussie rond clever style in 2005. (nl)

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